Meaning Asymmetrical Warfare
What does Asymmetrical Warfare mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Asymmetrical Warfare. You can also add a definition of Asymmetrical Warfare yourself


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Asymmetrical Warfare

A conflict between two foes of vastly different capabilities. After the Red Army dissolved in the 1990s, the U.S. military knew it was basically unbeatable, especially in a straight-up fight. But that meant that much smaller opponents would seek to negate its strengths by exploiting its weaknesses, by being clever and "dirty" in combat. O [..]
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Asymmetrical Warfare

Countering an adversary’s strengths by focusing on its weaknesses. This allows a weaker opponent to level the playing field by using unorthodox means, such as the use of chemical weapons. Pentagon pla [..]

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